software package is meant to fill the gap between the theoretical
Raman analysis and the experimental Raman spectroscopy by providing means to
compare data of different origin. The software is in early development stage
but still able to solve practical problems.
Read simulated data
Process simulated data by VASP and CRYSTAL and provide same interface. CRYSTAL data contain intensities for multiple orientations -- laser beam incidents perpendicularly or parallelly to the observation and information for mono-crystals. VASP data provide data only for poly-crystals but in different format. So the perpendicular and parallel intensities are calculated by an implemented algorithm.
LMFIT theoretical models can be build by spectral information obtained by simulations or by provided by the user. These models can be fit to experimental data, providing calibration information. At poor initial calibration the minimisation procedure naturally fails. An iterative procedure aiming to solve this problem was adopted in the code. On the first iteration the experimental spectrum lines are artificially broadened. This makes it possible for the minimisation procedure to find a parameters that are close enough to be used as an initial guess for the second iteration. In few iterations the algorithm is able to fit to the original experimental data. This idea is implemented and is at proof-of-concept level.
Generate spectra
Spectra can be generated by the theoretical models. Random Poissonian noise and artificial random-generated baseline can be added to the generated spectra, making them convenient tools to test new methods for analysis.
Spectrum manipulation
A number of filters can be applied to spectra (experimental and generated). Scaling on both x and y axes is possible. Scaling could be linear or arbitrary user defined function. A convolution is possible with set of predefined functions as well as user defined model.
The code is object oriented, written in python. Main elements are Spectrum and theoretical models. Theoretical models are based on LMFIT library, while Spectrum is a custom made class. Spectrum object contains data for x and y axes and metadata coming from experimental files or other sources. It is planned to add information about the uncertainties in x and y. All filters and manipulation procedures are available as class methods. Measures are taken to preserve spectrum instances immutable, so filters are generating new spectra, preserving the original unchanged. Additionally, Spectrum has information about its history -- the sequence of applied filters.
File formats
ramanchada software package introduced .cha
file format, which is an HDF5
with a simple layout.
Cache in .cha files
The concept to keep previous variants of data is employed in ramanchada2
. If
configured so, the software saves the data for all Spectrum instances to a
tree-organized .cha
file. When a particular chain of operations is requested
by the user, the software checks if the final result is present in the cache file,
if so it is provided, otherwise the software checks for its parent. When a parent
or some of the grand parents are present, they are taken as a starting point and
the needed steps are applied to provide the final result. The current implementation
uses h5py library to access local hdf files. It is foreseen to have implementation
with h5pyd that support network operations.
Nexus format
The latest ramanchada2 package allows export of a spectrum to NeXus format.
Decorated Functions in Spectrum
Function: __add__
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: __init__
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: __mul__
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: __sub__
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: __truediv__
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: abs_nm_to_shift_cm_1
Docstring: Convert wavelength to Ramanshift in wavenumber
- spe: internal use only
- laser_wave_length_nm: Laser wave length
Returns: Corrected x-values
Function: abs_nm_to_shift_cm_1_filter
Docstring: Convert wavelength to Ramanshift in wavenumber
- spe: internal use only
- laser_wave_length_nm: Laser wave length
Returns: Spectrum with corrected x-values
Function: add_baseline
Add artificial baseline to the spectrum.
A random baseline is generated in frequency domain using uniform random numbers.
The baseline in frequency domain is tapered with bohman window to reduce the bandwidth
of the baseline to first n_freq
frequencies and is transformed to "time" domain.
Additionaly by using func
parameter the user can define arbitrary function
to be added as baseline.
- n_freq: Must be
> 2
. Number of lowest frequency bins distinct from zero. - amplitude: Upper boundary for the uniform random generator.
- pedestal: Additive constant pedestal to the spectrum.
- func: Callable. User-defined function to be added as baseline. Example:
func = lambda x: x*.01 + x**2*.0001
. - rng_seed:
, optional. Seed for the random generator.
Function: add_gaussian_noise
Docstring: Add gaussian noise to the spectrum.
Random number i.i.d. $N(0, \sigma)$ is added to every sample
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- sigma: Sigma of the gaussian noise.
- rng_seed:
or rng state, optional, seed for the random generator. If a state is provided, it is updated in-place.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: add_gaussian_noise_drift
Docstring: Add cumulative gaussian noise to the spectrum.
Exponential-moving-average-like gaussian noise is added to each sample. The goal is to mimic the low-frequency noise (or random substructures in spectra). The additive noise is $$a_i = coef*\sum_{j=0}^{i-1}g_j + g_i,$$
where $$g_i = \mathcal{N}(0, 1+\frac{coef}{\sqrt 2}).$$
This way drifting is possible while keeping the $$\sigma(\Delta(a)) \approx 1.$$
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- sigma: Sigma of the gaussian noise.
- coef:
in[0, 1]
, drifting coefficient. Ifcoef == 0
, the result is identical toadd_gaussian_noise()
. - rng_seed:
or rng state, optional. Seed for the random generator. If a state is provided, it is updated in-place.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: add_poisson_noise
Docstring: Add poisson noise to the spectrum.
For each particular sample the noise is proportional to $\sqrt{scale*a_i}$.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- scale:
, optional, default is1
. Scale the amplitude of the noise. - rng_seed:
or rng state, optional. Seed for the random generator. If a state is provided, it is updated in-place.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: apply_processing
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: bayesian_gaussian_mixture
Docstring: Decompose the spectrum to Bayesian Gaussian Mixture
- spe: internal use only
- n_samples: optional. Defaults to 5000. Resampled dataset size
- n_components: optional. Defaults to 50. Number of expected gaussian components
- max_iter: optional. Defaults to 100. Maximal number of iterations.
- moving_minimum_window: optional. Defaults to None. If None no moving minimum is subtracted, otherwise as specified.
- random_state: optional. Defaults to None. Random generator seed to be used.
- trim_range: optional. Defaults to None: If None ignore trimming, otherwise trim range is in x-axis values.
BayesianGaussianMixture: Fitted Bayesian Gaussian Mixture
Function: calibrate_by_deltas_filter
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: calibrate_by_deltas_model
- Builds a composite model based on a set of user specified delta lines.
- Initial guess is calculated based on 10-th and 90-th percentiles of the distributions.
The phasespace of the model is flat with big amount of narrow minima. In order to find the best fit, the experimental data are successively convolved with gaussians with different widths startign from wide to narrow. The model for the calibration is 3-th order polynomial, which potentialy can be changed for higher order polynomial. In order to avoid solving the inverse of the calibration function, the result is tabulated and interpolated linarly for each bin of the spectrum. This alogrithm is useful for corse calibration.
Function: central_moments
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: convolve
Docstring: Convole spectrum with arbitrary lineshape.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- lineshape: callable,
. If callable: should have a single positional argumentx
, e.g.lambda x: np.exp((x/5)**2)
. If predefined peak profile: can begaussian
. Ifnp.ndarray
: lineshape in samples. - **kwargs: Additional kwargs will be passed to lineshape function.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: derivative_sharpening
Docstring: Derivative-based sharpening.
Sharpen the spectrum subtracting second derivative and add fourth derivative.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- filter_fraction
in (0; 1]: Default is 0.6 Depth of filtration - signal_width: The width of features to be enhanced in sample count
- der2_factor: Second derivative scaling factor
- der4_factor: Fourth derivative scaling factor
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: drop_spikes
Docstring: Removes single-bin spikes.
Remove x, y pairs recognised as spikes using left and right successive differences and standard-deviation-based threshold.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- n_sigma: optional, default is
. Threshold isn_sigma
times the standard deviation.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: dropna
Docstring: Remove non finite numbers on both axes
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: find_peak_multipeak
Docstring: Find groups of peaks in spectrum.
- spe: internal use only
- prominence: Optional. Defaults to None
If None the prominence value will be
. Reasonable value for promience isconst * spe.y_noise_MAD
. - wlen: optional. Defaults to None.
wlen value used in
. If wlen is None, 200 will be used. - width: optional. Defaults to None.
width value used in
. If width is None, 2 will be used. - hht_chain: optional. Defaults to None. List of hht_chain window sizes. If None, no hht sharpening is performed.
- bgm_kwargs: kwargs for bayesian_gaussian_mixture
- sharpening 'hht' or None. Defaults to None. If 'hht' hht sharpening will be performed before finding peaks.
- strategy: optional. Defauts to 'topo'. Peakfinding method
ListPeakCandidateMultiModel: Located peak groups
Function: find_peak_multipeak_filter
Same as find_peak_multipeak
but the result is stored as metadata in the returned spectrum.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- args, *kwargs: same as
Function: fit_peak_multimodel
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: fit_peak_positions
Docstring: Calculate peak positions and amplitudes.
Sequence of multiple processings:
- filter peaks with x-location better than threshold
- spe: internal use only
- mov_min: optional. Defaults to 40 subtract moving_minimum with the specified window.
- center_err_threshold: optional. Defaults to 0.5. threshold for centroid standard deviation. Only peaks with better uncertainty will be returned.
- find_peaks_kw: optional keyword arguments to be used with find_peak_multipeak
- fit_peaks_kw: optional keyword arguments to be used with fit_peaks_multipeak
Dict[float, float]: {positions: amplitudes}
Function: fit_peaks_filter
Same as fit_peak_multipeak
but the result is stored as metadata in the returned spectrum.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- should_break: same as in fit_peaks_multipeak
- args, *kwargs: same as
Function: from_cache_or_calc
Docstring: Load spectrum from cache or calculate if needed.
The cache is a nested structure of spectra. All processings applied to a spectrum result to spectra of the initial one. If part of the requred processings are available, only the needed steps are calculated and added to the cache.
- required_steps: List of required steps in the form [{'proc': str, 'args': List[Any], 'kwargs': Dict[str, Any]}, ...]
- cachefile: optional. Defaults to None. Filename of the cache. If None no cache is used
Function: from_chada
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: from_delta_lines
Generate Spectrum
with delta lines.
- deltas: Keys of the dictionary are the
positions of the deltas; values are the amplitudes of the corresponding deltas. - xcal: Callable, optional.
axis calibration function. - nbins:
, optional. Number of bins in the spectrum. - xaxis:
, optional. The xaxis of the new spectrum. Ifxaxis
is provided,xcal
should beNone
is ignored.
This will produce spectrum with 1000 bins in the range [-1000, 2000)
xcal = lambda x: x*3 -1000, nbins=1000
Function: from_local_file
Docstring: Read experimental spectrum from a local file.
- in_file_name: Path to a local file containing a spectrum.
- filetype: Specify the filetype. Filetype can be any of:
(Princeton Instruments) orNone
used to determine by extension of the file. - backend:
means both. - custom_meta: Dict Add custom metadata fields in the created spectrum
- ValueError: When called with unsupported file formats.
Function: from_simulation
Docstring: Generate spectrum from simulation file.
The returned spectrum has only few x/y pairs -- one for each simulated line. Values along the x-axis will not be uniform. To make it uniform, one needs to resample the spectrum.
- in_file: Path to a local file, or file-like object.
- sim_type: If
file from VASP simulation. Ifcrystal_out
file from CRYSTAL simulation, not preferred. Ifcrystal_dat
file from CRYSTAL simulation. - use: One of the directions
are available for both CRYSTAL and VASP.I_xx
are available only for CRYSTAL. If a Dict is passed, the key should be directions and values should be weighting factor. For example,use={'I_perp': .1, 'I_par': .9}
Function: from_spectral_component_collection
Docstring: from_spectral_component_collection
- spe_components: SpectralComponentCollection
- x:
or array-like, optional, default2000
axis of the spectrum.
Function: from_stream
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: from_test_spe
Docstring: Create new spectrum from test data.
- index:
, optional, default isNone
. Ifint
: will be used as an index of filtered list. IfNone
: a random spectrum will be taken. - **kwargs: The rest of the parameters will be used as filter.
Function: from_theoretical_lines
Generate spectrum from lmfit
- shapes: The shapes to be used for spectrum generation.
- params: Shape parameters to be applied to be used with shapes.
- x: Array with
values, by defaultnp.array(2000)
Function: gen_samples
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: get_spikes
Docstring: Get single-bin spikes only.
Get x, y pairs recognised as spikes using left and right successive differences and standard-deviation-based threshold and linear interpolation.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- n_sigma: optional, default is
. Threshold isn_sigma
times the standard deviation.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: hdr_from_multi_exposure
Docstring: Create an HDR spectrum from several spectra with different exposures.
The resulting spectrum will have the details in low-intensity peaks from long-exposure-time spectrum. As long-exposure-time spectrum might be sturated, the information for high-intensity peaks will be taken from short-exposure-time spectrum.
- spes_in (List[Spectrum]): Set of spectra with different exposures
- meta_exposure_time (str, optional): The name of the metadata parameter having the exposure/integration time. The units should be the same for all the spectra. Defaults to 'intigration times(ms)'.
- meta_ymax (str, optional): The name fo the metadata parameter having the maximum ADC value. This value will be used as a threshold. If value in a spectrum is higher, the value will be taken from a spectrum with shorter exposure. Defaults to 'yaxis_max'.
Function: hht_sharpening
Docstring: Hilbert-Huang based sharpening.
In order to reduce the overshooting, moving minimum is subtracted from the result
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- movmin: optional. Default is 100 Window size for moving minimum
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: hht_sharpening_chain
Docstring: Hilbert-Huang based chain sharpening.
Sequence of Hilbert-Huang sharpening procedures are performed.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- movmin: List[int], optional. Default is [150, 50] The numer of values in the list defines how many iterations of HHT_sharpening will be performed and the values define the moving minimum window sizes for the corresponding operations.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: moving_average
Docstring: Moving average filter.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- window_size:
, optional, default is10
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: moving_average_convolve
Docstring: Moving average filter.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- window_size:
, optional, default is10
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: moving_median
Docstring: Moving median filter.
The resultant spectrum is moving minimum of the input.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- window_size:
, optional, default is10
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: moving_minimum
Docstring: Moving minimum baseline estimator. Successive values are calculated as minima of rolling rectangular window.
Function: normalize
Docstring: Normalize the spectrum.
- strategy: If
: normalize tosum(y)
. Ifmin_unity
: subtract the minimum and normalize to 'unity'. Ifunity_density
: normalize toΣ(y_i*Δx_i)
. Ifunity_area
: same asunity_density
. Ifminmax
: scale amplitudes in range[0, 1]
. If 'L1' or 'L2': L1 or L2 norm without subtracting the pedestal.
Function: pad_zeros
Docstring: Extend x-axis by 100% in both directions.
The x-axis of resultant spectrum will be: $[x_{lower}-(x_{upper}-x_{lower})..(x_{upper}+(x_{upper}-x_{lower}))]$. The length of the new spectrum is 3 times the original. The added values are with an uniform step. In the middle is the original spectrum with original x and y values. The coresponding y vallues for the newly added x-values are always zeros.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: recover_spikes
Docstring: Recover single-bin spikes.
Recover x, y pairs recognised as spikes using left and right successive differences and standard-deviation-based threshold and linear interpolation.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- n_sigma: optional, default is
. Threshold isn_sigma
times the standard deviation.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: resample_NUDFT
Docstring: Resample the spectrum using Non-uniform discrete fourier transform.
The x-axis of the result will be uniform. The corresponding y-values will be calculated with NUDFT and inverse FFT.
- spe: internal use only
- x_range: optional. Defaults to (0, 4000). The x_range of the new spectrum.
- xnew_bins: optional. Defaults to 100. Number of bins of the new spectrum
- window: optional, Defaults to None.
The window to be used for lowpass filter. If None 'blackmanharris' is used.
If no low-pass filter is required, one can use
window=lambda x: [1]*len(x)
. - cumulative: optional. Defaults to False. If True, the resultant spectrum will be cumulative and normalized (in analogy with CDF).
(x_values, y_values)
Function: resample_NUDFT_filter
Docstring: Resample the spectrum using Non-uniform discrete fourier transform.
The x-axis of the result will be uniform. The corresponding y-values will be calculated with NUDFT and inverse FFT.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- x_range: optional. Defaults to (0, 4000). The x_range of the new spectrum.
- xnew_bins: optional. Defaults to 100. Number of bins of the new spectrum
- window: optional, Defaults to None.
The window to be used for lowpass filter. If None 'blackmanharris' is used.
If no low-pass filter is required, one can use
window=lambda x: [1]*len(x)
. - cumulative: optional. Defaults to False. If True, the resultant spectrum will be cumulative and normalized (in analogy with CDF).
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: resample_spline
Docstring: Resample the spectrum using spline interpolation.
The x-axis of the result will be uniform. The corresponding y-values will be calculated with spline interpolation.
- spe: internal use only
- x_range: optional. Defaults to (0, 4000). The x_range of the new spectrum.
- xnew_bins: optional. Defaults to 100. Number of bins of the new spectrum
- spline: optional, Defaults to 'pchip'. Name of the spline funcion to be used.
- cumulative: optional. Defaults to False. If True, the resultant spectrum will be cumulative and normalized (in analogy with CDF).
(x_values, y_values)
Function: resample_spline_filter
Docstring: Resample the spectrum using spline interpolation.
The x-axis of the result will be uniform. The corresponding y-values will be calculated with spline interpolation.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- x_range: optional. Defaults to (0, 4000). The x_range of the new spectrum.
- xnew_bins: optional. Defaults to 100. Number of bins of the new spectrum
- spline: optional, Defaults to 'pchip'. Name of the spline funcion to be used.
- cumulative: optional. Defaults to False. If True, the resultant spectrum will be cumulative and normalized (in analogy with CDF).
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: scale_xaxis_fun
Docstring: Apply arbitrary calibration function to the x-axis values.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- fun: function to be applied
- args: Additional arguments to the provided functions
Returns: Corrected spectrum
- ValueError: If the new x-values are not strictly monotonically increasing.
Function: scale_xaxis_linear
Docstring: Scale x-axis using a factor.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- factor: Defaults to 1.
Multiply x-axis values with
- preserve_integral: optional. Defaults to False. If True, preserves the integral in sence $\sum y_{orig;\,i}*{\Delta x_{orig}}_i = \sum y_{new;\,i}*{\Delta x_{new}}_i = $
Returns: Corrected spectrum
Function: scale_yaxis_linear
Docstring: Scale y-axis values
This function provides the same result as spe*const
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- factor optional. Defaults to 1. Y-values scaling factor
Returns: corrected spectrum
Function: set_new_xaxis
Docstring: Substitute x-axis values with new ones
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- xaxis: new x-axis values
Returns: corrected spectrum
- ValueError: If the provided array does not match the shape of the spectrum.
Function: shift_cm_1_to_abs_nm
Docstring: Convert Ramanshift in wavenumber to wavelength
- spe: internal use only
- laser_wave_length_nm: Laser wave length
Returns: Corrected x-values
Function: shift_cm_1_to_abs_nm_filter
Docstring: Convert Ramanshift in wavenumber to wavelength
- spe: internal use only
- laser_wave_length_nm: Laser wave length
Returns: Spectrum with corrected x-values
Function: smoothing_RC1
Docstring: Smooth the spectrum.
The spectrum will be smoothed using the specified filter. This method is inherited from ramanchada1 for compatibility reasons.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- method: method to be used
- **kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to the selected method
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: spe_distribution
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: spike_indices
Docstring: Find spikes in spectrum
Single-bin spikes are located using left and right successive differences. The threshold is based on the standart deviation of the metric which makes this algorithm less optimal.
- spe: internal use only
- n_sigma: Threshold value should be
times the standart deviation of the metric.
Returns: List of spike indices
Function: subtract_baseline_rc1_als
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: subtract_baseline_rc1_snip
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: subtract_moving_median
Docstring: Subtract moving median filter.
The resultant spectrum is moving minimum of the input subtracted from the input.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- window_size:
, optional, default is10
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: subtract_moving_minimum
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: trim_axes
Docstring: Trim axes of the spectrum.
- old_spe: internal use only
- new_spe: internal use only
- method: 'x-axis' or 'bins' If 'x-axis' boundaries will be interpreted as x-axis values. If 'bins' boundaries will be interpreted as indices.
- boundaries: lower and upper boundary for the trimming.
Returns: modified Spectrum
Function: xcal_argmin2d_iter_lowpass
Docstring: Calibrate spectrum
The calibration is done in multiple steps. Both the spectrum and the reference
are passed through a low-pass filter to preserve only general structure of the
spectrum. low_pass_nfreqs
defines the number of frequencies to be preserved in
each step. Once all steps with low-pass filter a final step without a low-pass
filter is performed. Each calibration step is performed using
- old_spe (Spectrum): internal use only
- new_spe (Spectrum): internal use only
- ref (Dict[float, float]): wavenumber - amplitude pairs
- low_pass_nfreqs (List[int], optional): The number of elements defines the number of low-pass steps and their values define the amount of frequencies to keep. Defaults to [100, 500].
Function: xcal_fine
Iterative calibration with provided reference based on ~ramanchada2.misc.utils.argmin2d.align()
Iteratively apply polynomial of poly_order
degree to match
the found peaks to the reference locations. The pairs are created
using ~ramanchada2.misc.utils.argmin2d.align()
- old_spe (Spectrum): internal use only
- new_spe (Spectrum): internal use only
- ref (Union[Dict[float, float], List[float]]): _description_
- ref (Dict[float, float]): If a dict is provided - wavenumber - amplitude pairs. If a list is provided - wavenumbers only.
- poly_order (NonNegativeInt): polynomial degree to be used usualy 2 or 3
- max_iter (NonNegativeInt): max number of iterations for the iterative polynomial alignment
- should_fit (bool, optional): Whether the peaks should be fit or to associate the positions with the maxima. Defaults to False.
- find_peaks_kw (dict, optional): kwargs to be used in find_peaks. Defaults to {}.
Function: xcal_fine_RBF
Docstring: Wavelength calibration using Radial basis fuction interpolation
Please be cautious! Interpolation might not be the most appropriate approach for this type of calibration.
**kwargs are passed to RBFInterpolator
Function: xcal_rough_poly2_all_pairs
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: y_noise_savgol
Docstring: No docstring available
Function: y_noise_savgol_DL
Docstring: No docstring available
1#!/usr/bin/env python3 2 3 4""" 5# Purpose 6`ramanchada2` software package is meant to fill the gap between the theoretical 7Raman analysis and the experimental Raman spectroscopy by providing means to 8compare data of different origin. The software is in early development stage 9but still able to solve practical problems. 10 11# Features 12 13## Read simulated data 14Process simulated data by [VASP][] and [CRYSTAL][] and provide same interface. 15CRYSTAL data contain intensities for multiple orientations -- laser beam 16incidents perpendicularly or parallelly to the observation and information 17for mono-crystals. VASP data provide data only for poly-crystals but in 18different format. So the perpendicular and parallel intensities are calculated 19by an implemented [algorithm][]. 20 21## Models 22[LMFIT][] theoretical models can be build by spectral information obtained by 23simulations or by provided by the user. These models can be fit to experimental 24data, providing calibration information. At poor initial calibration the minimisation 25procedure naturally fails. An iterative procedure aiming to solve this problem 26was adopted in the code. On the first iteration the experimental spectrum lines 27are artificially broadened. This makes it possible for the minimisation procedure 28to find a parameters that are close enough to be used as an initial guess for 29the second iteration. In few iterations the algorithm is able to fit to the original 30experimental data. This idea is implemented and is at proof-of-concept level. 31 32## Generate spectra 33Spectra can be generated by the theoretical models. Random Poissonian noise and 34artificial random-generated baseline can be added to the generated spectra, making 35them convenient tools to test new methods for analysis. 36 37## Spectrum manipulation 38A number of filters can be applied to spectra (experimental and generated). 39Scaling on both x and y axes is possible. Scaling could be linear or arbitrary 40user defined function. A convolution is possible with set of predefined functions 41as well as user defined model. 42 43# Concept 44The code is object oriented, written in python. Main elements are Spectrum and 45theoretical models. Theoretical models are based on LMFIT library, while 46Spectrum is a custom made class. Spectrum object contains data for x and y axes 47and metadata coming from experimental files or other sources. It is planned 48to add information about the uncertainties in x and y. All filters and manipulation 49procedures are available as class methods. Measures are taken to preserve spectrum 50instances immutable, so filters are generating new spectra, preserving the original 51unchanged. Additionally, Spectrum has information about its history -- the sequence 52of applied filters. 53 54# File formats 55 56## `.cha` 57[ramanchada][] software package introduced `.cha` file format, which is an [HDF5][] 58with a simple layout. 59 60### Cache in .cha files 61The concept to keep previous variants of data is employed in `ramanchada2`. If 62configured so, the software saves the data for all Spectrum instances to a 63tree-organized `.cha` file. When a particular chain of operations is requested 64by the user, the software checks if the final result is present in the cache file, 65if so it is provided, otherwise the software checks for its parent. When a parent 66or some of the grand parents are present, they are taken as a starting point and 67the needed steps are applied to provide the final result. The current implementation 68uses [h5py][] library to access local hdf files. It is foreseen to have implementation 69with [h5pyd][] that support network operations. 70 71## Nexus format 72 73The latest ramanchada2 package allows export of a spectrum to [NeXus][] format. 74 75 76[CRYSTAL]: https://www.crystal.unito.it/index.php 77[HDF5]: https://hdfgroup.org/ 78[LMFIT]: https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/index.html 79[VASP]: https://www.vasp.at/ 80[algorithm]: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.54.7830 81[h5py]: https://h5py.org/ 82[h5pyd]: https://github.com/HDFGroup/h5pyd 83[ramanchada]: https://github.com/h2020charisma/ramanchada 84[NeXus]: https://www.nexusformat.org/ 85 86.. include:: ../../../../../../spectrum_functions.md 87""" 88 89from __future__ import annotations 90 91from . import spectrum 92from . import theoretical_lines 93__all__ = [ 94 'auxiliary', 95 'io', 96 'misc', 97 'protocols', 98 'spectral_components', 99 'spectrum', 100 'theoretical_lines' 101] 102__version__ = '1.3.0' 103 104 105import logging 106 107 108class CustomFormatter(logging.Formatter): 109 green = "\x1b[32m" 110 blue = "\x1b[34m" 111 yellow = "\x1b[33m" 112 red = "\x1b[31m" 113 bold_red = "\x1b[31;1m" 114 reset = "\x1b[0m" 115 fmt = "%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s" 116 fmt = "%(levelname)s - %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(funcName)s() - %(message)s" 117 118 FORMATS = { 119 logging.DEBUG: green + fmt + reset, 120 logging.INFO: blue + fmt + reset, 121 logging.WARNING: yellow + fmt + reset, 122 logging.ERROR: red + fmt + reset, 123 logging.CRITICAL: bold_red + fmt + reset 124 } 125 126 def format(self, record): 127 log_fmt = self.FORMATS.get(record.levelno) 128 formatter = logging.Formatter(log_fmt) 129 return formatter.format(record) 130 131 132def basicConfig(level=logging.INFO): 133 ch = logging.StreamHandler() 134 ch.setLevel(level) 135 ch.setFormatter(CustomFormatter()) 136 logging.basicConfig(handlers=[ch], force=True) 137 138 139stream = logging.StreamHandler() 140stream.setFormatter(CustomFormatter()) 141logging.basicConfig(handlers=[stream], force=True) 142logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)